
Dec 28, 2012

Fourth Quarter

So here it is, my final summary of 2012. I can't believe how quickly this year has flown by!

In October, readied Princess for her very first dates. She went miniature golfing with the guy down the street and then she went to the Homecoming dance with a different boy. We spent the entire fall break doing something fun with the family each and every day, including Cornbelly's, the Church History Museum, and the Scarecrow Festival. We also had the usual Halloween festivities. I think my favorite post was actually dress shopping with the girls. Baby Doll is just so cute trying on a little formal.

November sneaked right up on me! Princess had another date to a formal dance and I spent many hours preparing for Pinewood Derby. We finished up the football season and prepared for Thanksgiving. Prima Donna went absolutely nuts over her best friend's YouTube video, and we got the whole family in to see Disney on Ice. My favorite post is another one about Baby Doll. She just loved her new pointe shoes!

December was filled with all the usual Christmas planning and concerts and recitals. I did my first (and maybe my last!) Tupperware Boutique. Prima Donna insisted we just had to celebrate 12/12/12 and I wrote several posts that show the Dog Walker's amazing Christmas decorations. There were so many fun posts this month it was difficult to choose a favorite, but I really like the one about Scout's basketball team.

Thanks for strolling down memory lane with me! I'm looking forward to another bright year with many more happy memories.


  1. I like your review of events. You are one busy lady and you are an awesome mother. You always amaze me.
    Blessings and hugs!

  2. Gosh, i can't imagine my kids in the newly dating phase. Next year I get to experience my 1st in kindergarten and figure we'll be dealing with girls having the cooties for a while. Sounds like your year wrapped up well and hope 2013 is just as great.

  3. I forgot your kids go to the same school my husband did! He graduated in '97 so probably ahead of all of your kids-- I can't remember how old your oldest is. His parents still live in SJ.

    The Church history museum is so much fun- loved the top floor and all that there is for the kids to do. And your Christmas decorations are awesome!

    Thanks so much for recapping with us all four weeks.

  4. a Church History Museum... how cool would that be?!?!
