
Dec 17, 2011

Three Months and Counting...

April was filled with stories about Easter and Justin Bieber. I'm pretty sure the two are totally unrelated, but my sweetie told the Dog Walker that he couldn't speak the name of Justin Bieber in our house so suddenly he became JB. The Dog Walker tends to become obsessed with things and JB happened to be the latest one. This three-part story started with the Dog Walker bringing home a poster and what ultimately happened to it.

Bossy graduated from the university and the Dog Walker played in a music festival. I also told the story of my first boyfriend and how he broke up with me after I nearly crashed his beloved car. So hard to choose a favorite, but the JB ones were so fun!

May brought a bunch of Mom stories and an interview with the local newspaper, The Salt Lake Tribune. We also wrote a bunch of stories about ripped pants and my personal favorite, when Scout announced that Curly didn't have to wear pants because he was the king. We still use that phrase if anyone is running around in their underwear so it has become a new tradition. The final posts of May included near drownings including when my sweet Princess actually drowned and a series of miracles brought her back to us. And my last post was a bittersweet experience with my grandma who passed away in September.

June brought about the craziness of summer and the beginning of the summer list. I wrote about dads and grandpas. We had three birthdays and some fun camping memories. My favorite post was about the Prima Donna and her "tangled web." You'll just have to read that one. I can't do it justice without the pictures.

This is so much fun, just looking back over our year and remembering all the crazy things we did. Thanks to all those fabulous ladies who suggested a review!

(Sarah A. Miller | The Salt Lake Tribune)


  1. Oh I just clicked on several links of ones I have to go read now! Luckily no one in my house is really a JB fan.

    And we might have to adopt "the King" around here, hehe

    Thanks for linking up! Have your point recorded.

  2. I'm glad Princess was okay! Hurray for Scouting and CPR training!

    You have so many great stories!

  3. What a busy year and fun to look back on. Sometimes you realize everything that got accomplished

  4. year end review time? I have not done one of those yet. Is June - Dec coming in the next post? I did go back and check the kings pants. Kids being treated like royalty, boy when I was a kid ....

  5. Wow, this past spring feels like so long ago!

  6. I just came from your story about Princess. Oh,that has to be one of the scariest things for a mom to experience. I'm so grateful she was OK. And it was such a miracle she was home for Christmas.

    What a beauty your Princess is today. :)

    Wonderful recap Sandy!

  7. Yeah, Bill. The Extravaganza links up three months every Friday through December. Click on Emmy over there. She is the ringleader.
