
Dec 18, 2011

Christmas Parties

How are you all doing? Are you ready for Christmas yet? I can't believe we are down to less than a week! We have a huge family party at my house this evening, so I don't have much time to put together a post for you. My sweetie is making a pot of chili big enough to feed 50 people and the smell of the peppers sent me running from the kitchen. I know I'm a baby about the burning of my eyes and the choking in my throat, but his chili is amazing! I'm still trying to get him to give me a recipe so I can share it with you. The problem is that it changes every time he makes it.

Santa and Scout
Princess spent all day yesterday making sugar cookies so that we could decorate them at the party. Last year we did gingerbread houses and the year before that we made tiny salt dough ornaments to hang on 8-inch trees. Usually we do one per family, but this year she made about 150 cookies and now I get to make six batches of frosting.

Santa and Baby Doll
Drama Queen and Curly and I made 45 paper sacks filled with candy, peanuts and oranges for my sweetie to deliver in his Santa suit. The younger cousins love seeing him come in! He has real sleigh bells and he does a fantastic job with the little ones.

We also wrapped gifts for everyone last night after we got back from Kohl's at midnight. Yeah, a little tired. Here are some pics from past Christmas parties, and I'll update you tomorrow on how this year's turned out. Time to go make frosting...


  1. Wow and cool! Looks like Santa will be busy! ;)

    Corine :D

  2. This sounds like so much fun! I made a bunch of cookies last week for my Activity Day girls to decorate, but didn't make them frosting... I was lame and bought some frmo the store, they didn't notice the difference (I think). This chili sounds delicious, I have got to give homemade chili a shot, that would be perfect for our "cold" Texas winters.

  3. I'm going to make a bunch of cookies and candy for my husband to take to work to share with his friends!

  4. And a great party it was. My boys loved it! Dax especially liked the gift from you guys.

    By the way, I think the recipe for that chili starts with:
    Half a cow, finely ground . . .
    (We love it, too!)


  5. That's so cool! Can't wait to see how those cookies turn out!
