Jan 31, 2025

Hot & Cold

It has been a fun week and a rough week. My sweetie and I have had fun redeeming a few more of my birthday gifts from places like Einstein Bagels, Texas Roadhouse, Carl's Jr and Del Taco. My sweetie was totally surprised at the generosity of our local businesses.

The first place I took him was Del Taco. He even took a pic so he could brag about the receipt. Three tacos and a regular vanilla shake for $1.87.

It has been a fun game, but now I have to be a bit more serious. Girl Scout cookie deadlines are looming and I had a procedure done on my nose yesterday.

They got me really numb and then they basically burned the turbinates in my nose to hopefully give me more room to breathe. The procedure was painful and now I have 3-6 weeks of homecare.

I finally got my new sheet protectors after nearly a week and I am making good use of them!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

That's a lot of sheet protectors! I bought a package of 12 recently. :) That nose procedure doesn't look fun at all. But I hope it helps you breathe better! It'll all be worth it in the end.