
Dec 31, 2011

The Final Wrapup 2011

Joining with some of my blogging friends to wrap up the last three months of 2011...hard to believe it's almost over. So much has happened this year! For the first three months, click here. Second three months, click here, third three months, click here. Last three months, don't click, you are already here!

My Silly Sweetie
We had an amazing October! We shared several stories about Halloweens past including a vintage Cheetah costume worn by all of our kids down to Scout that was originally made for my sweetie. I told you about my first real job and my first speeding ticket. And don't forget the amazing light show put on by the Dog Walker. We also attended my sweetie's 30th high school reunion! The drive down was a little crazy... The Dog Walker was featured in a huge article in the Deseret News' Mormon Times section. But my favorite post was the one about my grateful little Curly and his sweet prayer .

Baby Doll surrounded by Halloween candy.

November was filled with home repairs and an impromptu kitchen remodel after Princess cracked my ceramic cooktop.

New Countertops, yay!
Remember that my sweetie thought that meant we needed new countertops too? We had a bunch of birthdays, Bossy turned 27, Dog Walker turned 18, Scout turned 6, and Taco turned 7. And our Thanksgiving was an amazing time filled with family and fun. Bossy's birth story stretched into three days and the Dog Walker did a guest blog on his Disneyland trip with the Marching Band. Sport's football team won the state championship! But my favorite post was about my silly Dog Walker and a trip to the swimming just have to read this one.

Fall, leaves, fall!

December was busy and crazy and full of family activities and fun. The girls did an amazing job in the Dance Recital. Scout had her very first visit from the tooth fairy. We shared tons of Christmas memories and traditions.

The Dog Walker put up another awesome light display and our extended family love the annual Christmas party. Christmas Eve meant Christmas jammies, and Christmas day was filled with happiness and love. My favorite post had little to do with Christmas, in fact it was a camping story that couldn't be told until Christmas was over.

This wrap up has been so fun! I love looking back over the stories from the past year. It makes me remember why I started this blog in the first place, to record the crazy happy fleeting moments. It makes me sad that I didn't start years ago. Thanks for sticking with us in 2011. Excited for 2012...Happy New Year!


  1. Wow big family that's so lovely. Your house must be a right laugh when your all together x x

  2. A great wrap up. Love that last picture! Happy New Year!

  3. That story about Dog Walker at the swimming pool was hilarious! And what a good sport! And I love Baby Doll in the candy. :) Happy New Year Sandy!!!

  4. Santa may have been overwhelmed in that last photo huh? That's a great picture! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and New Years!

    Thanks for linking up. Sorry I'm just now making my rounds. The in laws are still in town making blogging IMPOSSIBLE!

  5. You are amazing!! How do you keep up with everything?

    Look at all that CANDY! That is AWESOME...

    I love your new countertops and again... that paint color is GORGEOUS :) It makes me happy.

  6. Yea! Glad you had such a great experience with the recap, that makes me so happy to hear. I really do enjoy doing this and reading the recaps too. Thanks for linking up all four weeks, I have all of your points, including your following everyone points recorded.
