Feb 27, 2025

Traveling as Two: Graceland

Ahh Graceland. It was everything I thought it would be.

We started our tour in the actual mansion. I didn't take pics of all the rooms, but here are a few for you.

I hadn’t realized that Elvis was buried on the property.

After we returned on the shuttle from viewing the mansion, we decided to see the Presley Auto Museum.

Then we went to the Army and the cosume galleries.

We bought my sweetie a hat in the gift shop,  grabbed some lunch in the cafe, and headed for the car.

One last stop to see a huge Studio 56 display.

I really enjoyed our time at Graceland.

Feb 26, 2025

Traveling as Two: Dyess, Arkansas

When I told my sweetie I wanted to go to Dyess, he thought I was crazy. It was almost 3 hours of driving to see Johnny Cash's Boyhood home. But he loves me so we packed one suitcase and headed off for a day trip (actually a two-day trip).

I learned so much about the area that I didn't know. Did you know that Johnny Cash's parents received a home as part of Roosevelt's New Deal? Dyess was a planned community built by WPA workers.

We started our tour at a tiny museum that used to be the theater where Johnny's youngest brother worked.

After the museum, we drove out to Johnny's home. It was nicer than I expected.

This is my favorite part; quilt frames stored on the ceiling!

After we left the Cash home, we pointed the  car toward Memphis.

It was only about an hour to get there and I couldn't resist the urge to honor my mom's birthday by stopping at Graceland. She was a true Elvis fan.

By the time we got there, it was too late to visit Graceland, so we did the next best thing. We made reservations to spend the night at Graceland's Guest House. The place is massive with  almost 500 rooms. We got dinner at the EP Grill. The guacamole was yummy.

Then we went to the Theatre Room to watch an Elvis movie. It was one I had never seen.

We took some fun pics in the lobby.

We listened to the live band in the bar until it was time for one of Elvis's favite snacks, a pbj and chocolate milk outside Delta's Restaurant.

We bought tickets to visit Graceland tomorrow. So excited!!

Feb 25, 2025

Traveling as Two: Fairfield Bay

We decided to drive around and check things out today. We also went up and down Roller Coaster Hill... (cough) several... times. My sweetie loves coasters!

We stopped at the bowling alley and rented the necessary equipment to play a little mini golf. The weather here is 100% improved. My sweetie even shedded his jacket, but it didn't seem to help his game much. I fished several golf balls from the water hazards for him. He says he won the second game, but he conveniently forgot to add up the final numbers...hmmm...

The sun had just started to lose its luster when we spotted the second course. It must have been their original course, because it was in desperate need of repair and cleaning, but we decided to play it anyway.

The rules were that you couldn't remove any debris. That was a gamechanger. There were leaves, pine cones, pine needles, rocks and larger sticks.

We finished the 18th hole just as the sun set, so we grabbed our stuff and drove back to the bowling alley to turn it in.

After the short drive back to the condo, I made us a nice dinner and we turned on the tv. 

No more relaxing; tomorrow we head off on a new adventure.

Feb 24, 2025

Traveling as Two: Driving to Arkansas

Sunday was a travel day. We checked out of the hotel in time to make it to a 9:00am sacrament meeting in Branson.

After that, we got on the road. It wasn’t long before we crossed the border into Arkansas.

That red is a weird reflection of my shirt in the window, but those icicles are amazing!

It wasn't a long ride, just a few hours. This place is small and remote. They even have a hill called...wait for it...

Sorry for the reflections.

We checked into our condo and settled in for the evening. My sweetie cooked burgers for us and we watched tv. 

Thus begins the relaxing part of our trip.
