Jun 24, 2024

Traveling Together - Scottsdale

We spent Saturday morning looking at a new travel plan.

Then after lunch we wandered around the facility and the girls played video games in the Activities Room.

Soon it was time to take Baby Doll to the hotel to meet up with her team. We picked up a couple of pizzas on the way and left one with her. It was hard to say goodbye.

Then we drove the half hour back to Scottsdale. My sweetie was tired, so he took a little nap while Scout and I played Yahtzee.

We made a quick trip to Wal-Mart to pick up the things we forgot.

Then Scout and I had a dip in the hot tub. It was a nice relaxing day.

Jun 22, 2024

Traveling Together - At the Airport, Again

On Friday, we were up bright and early. We had to be at the airport by 6:00AM to make our flight to Phoenix. Scout and Baby Doll were in Comfort +...

...and you know where we were.

It wasn't long before we got our luggage and headed for the train to get our rental car.

The rental plaza was also a small museum. The Phoenix was my favorite.

We got in the car, but it was still early.

Too early to go to the condo, so we stopped at a nearby Mexican place to eat. 

Then we drove by the Mesa Temple on our way to Scottsdale.

The condo is amazing!! 

We all took naps and I made out a grocery order. I took this beautiful pic on our way back from Frys.

After dinner, the girls and I went swimming.

Pool and hot tub are open until 11. We stayed until they kicked us out.

Jun 18, 2024

Time Ran Out in Ghana

Good morning, everyone! It's been a good start, but it's a horrible ending type of week. Let's talk about it. 

Monday was preparation day. All I did was laundry. I also made breakfast burritos for a member and her family. They really enjoyed it.

Tuesday, we went out to teach. We taught Brother S the Law of Chastity, and that was a really funny experience with him not really understanding us. We did some service by fetching water, and we taught Sister G about baptism and the restoration. 

Wednesday was really stressful because we had to cram eight elders into a four man apartment. Elder B got called to be district leader, and the other Elder B was called to be a zone leader. It was a great night with the other elders there, too. 

Thursday, I had another seizure... which means I am going back to America to receive medical help, and my mission in Ghana is over. My plans of right now are to enjoy the rest of my mission with the office elders and the APs and do a service mission when I come home. After my seizure, the senior couple Elder and Sister H came and got me with all my luggage and took me to their apartment. I have spent three nights and two days at their place.

Friday, I did a lot of resting and laying about in their apartment. I made banana bread. I just had nothing to do except sleep. I felt awful for not doing anything.

Saturday was the same. I did get some souvenirs.

Sunday, I went to church and met a lot of the senior couples. I even saw President Nielsen. I took a picture with him and saw one last baptism. After that, I had dinner with the senior couple and their friends. Elder H took me to the office, and that is where I am staying for Monday and Tuesday morning.

All I can say is that I am thankful for serving in another country that God said I will have great success in. I am very happy that I managed to serve with all my heart, might, mind, and strength for these past six months. It was a fun journey that I was a part of. Thank you all for the support you have given me, and I will see you soon!

Jun 15, 2024

Jun 11, 2024

Family Campout - More Pics

I'm sorry, I just could resist sharing pics from the Dog Walker. We had such a great time!

Hope you noticed in yesterday's pics that Crafty has a new companion. More to come....

We hope.