
Dec 7, 2012

First Quarter

Last year in December we decided to link up with some blog friends for a 2011 review. It was so much fun that I decided to link up again this year.

I can't believe how fast 2012 has just flown by! My blog is almost 2 years old now and although I haven't gone viral, I'm been fortunate to maintain a steady following. Thank you for being such loyal readers!

January started with the kids off-track and me wanting to do some field trips to keep them entertained. Our first one was to the State Capitol and the Pioneer Museum. We enjoyed the day with Grandpa and all of our little scouts. Our next stop was the Museum of Natural History. It had been newly built and the kids loved it! I also told a few car stories including one about the Drama Queen's beautiful white Mustang that was totaled the Christmas before.

But my favorite post was actually my birthday post. You don't want to miss that one!

In February I wanted to do something fun for Valentine's Day like our falling in love series in 2011. So my sweetie and I shared our stories of our first kisses (that were not with each other...).  I also shared a couple of stories about my worst job ever.

My favorite post was a story from my childhood about Lizards. This one you have to read to believe.

In March I tried to add more stories from when I was a little girl since I really want my kids to know at least some of my past. I wrote about Beauty Pageants and the Sleeping Beauty ballet where Princess played a leading role.

My favorite post in March is actually a guest blog by Baby Doll. She is growing so fast!  So there you have it! A play-by-play of the first quarter. I like this game, it's almost as fun as basketball.


  1. I love remembering your older posts! Thanks for linking back to them in this post, makes it easier to go back and refresh my memory!

    I can't believe your blog is nearly 2 years old. I wish I remembered how I ever found your blog in the first place!

  2. awe, it's so fun to sit and reminisce! Your blog is on 2 years old and you have more followers than I do after 3 so you're doing great :)

  3. Such a good idea to write about stories of yourself when you were younger- as yes it is so easy to forget some of those and to not pass the stories on.

    And good for you for trying the beauty pageant- I just don't think I would have had enough courage as a teenager.

    So glad you are recapping with us again!!

  4. I love that you're keeping track of your childhood for your kiddos. That's something I should really write about one day.

  5. I think I"m still in awe of your family and how big it is... coming from an only child back ground-- it just looks like a larger family has more fun.. maybe that's what i'm teetering on the edge of having a 4th-- but that's all I can muster.. love your recap!!

  6. those field trips sound fun!

    check out this post and let me know which charity i should donate to this month:
