
Oct 7, 2022

My Poor Sick Sweetie

At the risk of getting myself in big trouble, I have to tell you what is going on. My sweetie started feeling badly last Thursday afternoon. He ran a fever on Friday and his shoulder started hurting. We took him to the ER on Saturday, but they had no answers.

Sunday was bad, but he refused to go back. On Monday, I insisted. He could hardly move. His left arm and shoulder were useless and the pain was everywhere.

After a bunch of tests, they put him in an ambulance and transported him to the main hospital. My sweetie has a staph infection.

Yesterday, they cut open his shoulder clear to the bone and "washed" it and applied antibiotics to it directly. He is also on crazy heavy duty IV antibiotics. 

There is still much testing to do. Once the bacteria is in his blood, it can go anywhere. Right now there is no end in sight. 

I will try to post on happier things, but know that life is pretty difficult right now and my sweetie is a very private man when it comes to his personal stuff, but I will share if I can. Thank you for being there for me.

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