
Oct 5, 2022

Playing Volleyball? Really?

You know I love both playing and watching volleyball, and every Thursday, I am in charge of coed volleyball at our church.

It might sound pretty tame, but for those of us on blood thinners, there are a few extra risks. Like maybe trying to pick up the serve with your leg when your arms can't quite reach is not the best idea.

The next day, I had one of these.

And, at the risk of offending you, a few days later, even without a break in the skin, it decided to become infected.

Now I thought this was a pretty obvious infection, so I went to the Urgent Care for some antibiotics. Unfortunately, the on-call doc didn't care that I was on blood thinners because she was pretty sure it was a clot. Guess what happened next...

I was escorted to the ER for an ultrasound!! Three hours later...

I was NOT as happy as this picture looks, but it wasn't long before they wrote my prescription for antibiotics and sent me on my way.

Such a waste of one of our beautiful fall days.

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