
Oct 9, 2022

Happy Birthday!!

Even though my sweetie is still in the hospital, things are still happening like Baby Doll turning 12! She and her friends had a party last night, but I will have to get the pics from Scout. She and her friend were in charge and it sounded like they all had a great time.

But today we did a couple of things. Since it is Duchess's birthday next week, she and Baby Doll opened their gifts today. They had so much fun with Baby Doll opening one and then Duchess opening one. I was actually completely surprised that Duchess would wait her turn, but she is Princess's daughter after all, and she seems to have amazing self control for an almost 2-year-old.

We held back a few packages so we could take them down and have her open them with my sweetie, but mostly she got a large curio with a bunch of different princesses. We will have to find a place to hang it in her room so she can remember every day that she is a princess. 

I think it is fun to have a birthday buddy and I'm glad that these two could be so close. Twizzler also celebrated a  birthday in New Jersey this week. Can you believe he just turned 3? Time is flying by.

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