
Apr 3, 2022

REVIEW: Eyballs of Madness by Starlux Games

I don't usually do another game review so quickly, but I wanted you to be able to get this one that is on sale before Easter. So right after I did the review for the Bump Rumble game, I got an announcement via email (you really should get on their fan mail) that the folks at Starlux were releasing a new game on April 1. I immediately reached out to my contact and volunteered to be a reviewer. Eyeballs of Madness looked just like our kind of game.

My sweetie generally won't play some of the sillier games with us, but when he looked a little closer, he agreed that this one would be a great time for kids of almost any age... provided they can throw a rather large, bendable, shapeable carrot at a bunch of eyeballs. I'm pretty sure the premise of this game might have come from someone's bad dream... jk, I have no idea where it came from.

It was easy to set up. We decided that our two teams would be boys against the girls. I was expecting our team to dominate! Both Scout and I had been softball pitchers and we had great underhand throws (yes, it has to be underhand). But even with all of that talent, we could not seem to get that carrot to fly where we wanted it to. See those little stands with the eyeballs on top? Yeah, each one you knock over with the flying carrot is worth points (except the one that zeros your score) and they can put it in a different place every time.

My sweetie was actually the ringer and he made most of the points for the boys' team...annoying.

I think I'm going to practice and demand a rematch.

In the meantime, you don't want to miss the Easter sale! Click here to save some money on this super fun game. Tell them Sandy sent you. And don't invite my sweetie to play, he will probably win at your house too.

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