
Apr 3, 2022

Baby Doll has a Ball

Baby Doll just loves volleyball so much. Today was her 2nd to last tournament for this season. The team came out a little sluggish at first, but Baby Doll played well. These tournaments are a little crazy. They have to be there at 7:30 AM and they play three matches (six games) and ref one game before about noon. 

They get a few minutes for lunch before the actual bracket starts. Teams are shuffled from pool play... so of the 16 teams her age playing yesterday, they placed them 1 - 4 based on win/loss record from the morning play. Baby Dolls team was the 3rd group. So of the four courts her age playing, they sorted them into all of the team that placed third. They become the Bronze bracket and then it is a win or go home. 


(I wish I could serve like she does.) Her team lost their first game, so they were done, but if they would have won, they would have played one more game to become the champions of the Bronze bracket. It's all a little confusing, I think.

But SO much fun to watch her play!


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