
Apr 4, 2022

Guest Blog: News From Aberdeen by Elder Sport

Hey Everyone! 

Hope y'all had a great weekend, Conference was sweet!

It's been good out here in Aberdeen, finally warming up but we did have snow like three days ago, so who knows.

The work has been going good, we had a couple of our friends watch conference with us. We are knocking lots of trailers and finding pretty good success. We had this one dude open and say nothing, then close the door sooooo slow with the weirdest face it was priceless. I've also had pretty good successes finding some people through Facebook which is really hard, but awesome. We've been playing a lot of pickleball as a district which has been a lot of fun. 

We had some really cool spiritual experiences this week. We were able to help a recent Convert dedicate his apartment which just brought the biggest feeling of peace. We also had a lesson with our friend, Casey. Half of his family is part of our church and he almost got baptized at age 12. We had an amazing first lesson with him, and the Spirit was in a way you just couldn't stop smiling. We had another lesson where we just testified so boldly in the Spirits direction, bringing the wavy chills. 

It's really cool, and truly a gift from God, showing very specifically to me different ways to feel of His Spirit. General Conference also was amazing, with so many good parts, here are a few cool takeaways and themes I got from it.

1. Christ is the Healer
2. Put of the Natural Man and become a Saint (Mosiah 3:19)
3. Keep and remember your Covenants
4. Press Forward with a steadfastness in Christ (2 Nephi 31:20)
5. Can't survive spiritually without the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost

What was your favorite part?

There were so many great things, I love the emphasis of the Sacrament Prayer, and what it truly means to always remember Him and have His Spirit to be with us. Today is my 6 months, it's gone very fast. I've changed so much, even in the last three weeks. Gain your spiritual momentum, if you aren't moving forward you're moving back!

Love y'all and praying for y'all!

Elder Sport 

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