
Mar 14, 2022

Another Update from Elder Sport

 Hey y'all! 

It was a pretty good week, if you're still reading this, you're a trooper! Love you guys and hope you're doing well!

I said final goodbyes to Elder S and Elder E. They are legends, and will be missed. We got the cars figured out too. Elder W, our ZL had to stay with us because his new companion has COVID. The few days he spent with us were awesome, and I'm really glad for his counsel how to best help the district. 

We had a ton of crazy lessons and found 7 new friends! That's the most I've ever found in 1 week, and is really good in our mission, we are so blessed! We found one guy, Braydon, who is an ex street racer, and also found an entire Spanish family, who I can't even help teach haha. Really excited for all the people we are working with, and with the 2 areas combined into 1 there is a lot of work to do! 

I love my new companions, it's fun to be in a trio again! We're all different and really fit together to build a good team, I can really see that and it hasn't even been a week. Elder B is so awesome, he speaks Japanese and is always moving, pushing us to excel. He loves talking about deep things and is a very good teacher! Elder R I've known since my first area, and I never thought we would be companions! He does a great job teaching all our Spanish people, It's so awesome, he loves the people so much and keeps me and Elder B in line haha. 

Scripture: Alma 48:17

17 Yea, verily, verily I say unto you, if all men had been, and were, and ever would be, like unto Moroni, behold, the very powers of hell would have been shaken forever; yea, the devil would never have power over the hearts of the children of men.

Remember to be like Moroni! Stand up for what's right and be a bright example of Christ!

Love y'all tons

Elder Christensen 

1 comment:

  1. I loved Elder Sport's letter. It was an awesome missionary one. I really like all the photos. I liked hearing that he had 7 new friends; that is awesome.
    Blessings and hugs for him!!
