
Mar 12, 2022

Name on Everybody's Lips...

No, this isn't turning into the Roxy Show even though she is incredibly cute and her name is the name on everybody's lips. Around midnight, Baby Doll brought her into my room, "Roxy won't let me sleep,"
It looks like she was sleeping fine to me, Baby Doll. 

Roxy chewed on my toes, pooped on the family room carpet, and complained about Baby Doll's pink crocs. 
But our little Roxy is just so cute. How can you be upset with this face?

"Roxy! Stop chewing on that..."

1 comment:

  1. Oh, he is a cute one! I don't think I can do the puppy thing again. We are continuing to love our Sammy. He's getting old, so I worry a lot about him.
    Loved the thoughts and cute photos.
    Blessings and hugs!
