
Mar 15, 2022

Making a Blog Quilt

Scout has been working really hard on her STAR Event. Her event  category is Recycle and Redesign, so she is making a quilt for Bossy using her family's old blog shirts that have gotten too small.
On Saturday, she sewed them into strips...
Then she sewed the strips into one solid top.
She did a great job at making everything nice and square. 

On Sunday night, we put up the frames and got it ready to tie.
It was hard to choose a color for the yarn, but she finally settled on the variegated blue. Baby Doll and I sat down to help with a few ties, but we mostly offered emotional support.

Then we got a fun surprise!
Sister Crafty called us from the Philippines and offered her support as well.

We had it all done in no time. Here's a sneak peak until it has the binding on.
Such a fun project!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is an awesome project. Way to go girl; hugs for you!
