
Sep 10, 2021

Traveling Together - Salem and Plymouth

We had originally planned to enjoy the SEE Science Center on Tuesday, but sadly, it was closed for maintenance, so we decided to drive around Nashua and see all the places my sweetie stayed or ate dinner or whatever when he was working in Boston five years ago. We let the kids have a quick dip in the pool before we checked out, but the water was SO cold!
My sweetie really loves this beautiful place. First stop, Hayward ice cream (I know, ice cream for lunch...). My sweetie swears this is the best in the Boston area.
Our next stop was Salem. We considered the Salem Witch Museum, but decided against it since we had children with us. We did want to see Proctor's Ledge. They have erected a memorial where many of the alleged witches were hung.
Two of these women, Rebecca Nurse and Mary Esty, are many greats back aunts of ours. Their brother, Jacob, was our grandfather.

The Ledge was well preserved and the idea that these innocent people died here felt all too real.

Next, we went to the actual burial site of Rebecca Nurse. It is said that her children took her body away and gave her a proper Christian burial on their homestead. It was difficult to find this little cemetery and if you ever go there, make sure you have plenty of bug spray. We were only there for a few minutes and everyone had multiple bites.

Back on the road to Plymouth; we had warned the kids that Plymouth rock was pretty anticlimactic, but they were still excited to go there. 
We missed the last tour of the Mayflower II by about 15 minutes, so we headed for the little shops across the street. My old Plymouth shirt is nearly worn out...

We grabbed dinner near the dock and then the kids walked down to the water. Teach is leaving us in the morning and we hadn't been to the beach yet. I guess she will have to go when she gets back to New Jersey.

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