
Sep 12, 2021

Traveling Together - Cape Cod

Teach's family left us on Wednesday morning. It was hard to say goodbye, not knowing when we might see them again. We piled in the Suburban not long afterward. It was finally time to see the beach!
You know how much I love big water and I could hardly wait for the chance to play in the sand on Cape Cod.  We wanted to drive to Provincetown, all the way at the tip of the cape. That way we could make several stops along the way. Our first one was the Visitor's Center for the Cape Cod National Shoreline.
I didn't even know there was such a thing as a National Shoreline before this trip. Sadly, many of their exhibits were still closed, but we did get a great view of the water. 
You could even climb to the top of the building and get almost 360 degrees of water. Only a tiny area obstructed our view of the ocean and the bay.

Our next stop was the beach! We already had our swimming suits on, so we quickly made our way across the sand. The buoys for safe swimming were only out about 50 yards, but there is no way we would have gone for than 5 yards into the water. Our 2nd wave knocked me off my feet and pulled me out a bit. Thankfully, the 3rd and 4th waves brought me back in. 
After that, we were more careful. We sat in the sand and let the water wash over us. Not glamorous, but definitely safer. 
We gathered some beautiful stones and dug in the sand. 
After an hour or so, we washed off the sand in the public showers and climbed back in the car. The kids were ready for lunch. We ate at a little seafood joint and then got back in the car. It might sound easy to find a public beach, but many of the beaches there are private.
Thankfully, my sweetie had another one in mind. We weren't planning to get wet this time. This beach had tons of shells and the kids were having fun collecting them.
We walked in the water, but stayed clear of the big waves.
The girls posed for some pics for me.
Back in the car again. We stopped at an A&W for ice cream because they had a car show going on. My sweetie loves a good car show...
Our plan was to go back to the condo since it was getting late, but the kids spied a mini golf course that we just couldn't pass up.
It was the perfect way to finish up our incredible day. 
The kids have all gotten to be pretty good mini golfers.
Baby Doll hit the hole-in-one twice!

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