
Sep 13, 2021

Traveling Together - Going Home

Thursday morning came all too soon. I was up late packing everything; just hoping we might be able to do something fun before it was time to go to the airport. Unfortunately, it was pouring rain outside. So sadly, the kids all sat down at the table to work on homework for an hour while I emptied the fridge and my sweetie packed the car.

We said "goodbye" to our little place and climbed into the car, but instead of heading for Boston, my sweetie turned toward the shore. Rain drenched everything and there were huge puddles (mini lakes) on the roads. It was impossible to avoid them and we giggled a little as the water splashed higher than the car. 

Soon we pulled into a beautiful little beach parking lot. The water was angry, crashing in on a couple of guys crazy enough to be trying to fish. We didn't get out of the car; and after about 10 minutes, we pulled back onto the slick roads.

A bit further along the road, we stopped at another pounding beach. We weren't the only car in the parking lot watching the water.

Another beach and our final destination was this beautiful little lighthouse. We only had a few minutes before we had to get back on the main road for Boston and the airport. 

Time to get back to the real world.

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