
Sep 9, 2021

Traveling Together - Boston Tea Party Museum and Fenway Park

On Monday, we were back in full craziness mode. It was Labor Day and my sweetie wanted us to get off Cape Cod as early as possible, so we piled into the car early and made our way to the Alewife train station (I know, such a silly name...). 

Our first stop was a quick walk to the Boston Harbor so that we could see the Boston Tea Party Museum. It was pretty expensive and my sweetie had heard that it wasn't that great, but I really enjoyed it. 

Ok, so tossing the tea overboard wasn't all that amazing, but once we got inside the museum itself, I was stunned at the video and live portrayals that made the plight of the minutemen and their families all too real. 

Honestly, it was the only thing we did all week that brought tears to my eyes. I wish I could show you the things inside, but they don't allow any pics.

When our tour was over, we hoofed it back to the train station, caught a train, then a transfer, then climbed a million stairs to get out of the station. By then, Curly was getting anxious. It was only 25 minutes until first pitch and he really wanted to get to Fenway Park before that happened. 

We stopped at a little booth to buy a hat for Twizlet, then we stood in a line for security. Curly wanted a hat too, but he figured he could get one in the park just as cheap... he was wrong... $50 vs $24 for the same hat!!

He really started dancing when we got in a line to buy hot dogs, but after all that, we still managed to get in before the National Anthem. 

Sadly for me, the seats were pretty tight, but it wasn't very crowded, so I sat on the end and draped my leg over the seat in front of me. That made it tolerable so I could watch the game.

Teach took her little guy out since he was not having much fun and that meant she wasn't either. It was so hot!! The frozen lemonade became my new favorite drink even if it did have calories. Twiz took off after a couple of hours. He had to catch a flight home since he had to work on Tuesday. Teach and the kids were staying with us until Wednesday.

The Red Sox were winning most of the game which was awesome since Tampa Bay is ranked much higher than they are. The heat finally got to us and we decided to leave after the 7th inning stretch. Sadly, the Sox lost by 1 in the 10th inning. 

We were way down the road by then, on our way to New Hampshire via Lexington and Concord. We stopped at a little Italian place my sweetie used to eat at all the time when they were working in Nashua. Soon we were back on the road, our final destination for the night? Merrimack.

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