
Jul 14, 2021

Traveling Together: Page, AZ and Glen Canyon Dam

Sunday morning dawned bright and early. We headed down to the lobby for breakfast before driving the short distance to church. Going to church is just part of traveling for us and we plan everything else around those few hours we gather with the saints. When the service was finished, we drove back to the hotel so we could check out. We had so many things we wanted to see as we made our way slowly toward home.

Glen Canyon Dam was right across from our hotel; we could see it clearly from our balcony, so it only took a few minutes to drive over the bridge. The dam is massive and amazing. I wish we would have been able to take a tour, but they are still closed down because of COVID.

We left the dam and continued down the road to Big Water. They had a nice little visitor's center that talked about the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument and we wanted to learn a bit more about it before we drove through part of it. 

Soon we were back on the road. We still had a long way to travel to get to our next hotel in Bryce. Unfortunately, we had to back-track to Page first because we missed one of the visitor's centers and Sport really needed that (Glen Canyon) Dam patch...

The ride to Bryce Canyon was relatively uneventful after that. We made good time and we were even able to enter the park and stop at the various viewpoints.

Some of the kids walked part of the rim trail and loved the hike. Bryce is one of my very favorite parks and I never tire of its views.

I guess Crafty must feel the same because she convinced the kids to get up the next morning before the sun to hike more, but I will let one of them tell you about that.

Ruby's Inn was our last night before home. We ate in our rooms and watched a little TV. We weren't getting up early...

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