
Jul 13, 2021

Traveling Together: Collecting Patches for the Parks

I should probably tell you that Sport is a collector and one of his favorite things to collect is patches from the various places he has been. Now I don't want you to think he is obsessed, but at some point on this trip, he started thinking that we should gather as many patches as we can because this might be his last trip before his mission. So when we left Williams, we started looking even more seriously for national and state parks. 

The first one we found was called the Sunset Crater and it was one of my favorites. The lava flow was really cool and we did a short hike so that we could see it up close. 

Right after that, we found Waputki National Park, a Native American settlement with ruins that were surprisingly well preserved. 

Our next stop was the Navajo Bridge and the Vermillion Cliffs. Both of these were right next to Lake Powell, so Sport (and all the other kids) collected 3 patches with one stop.

Only time for one more before we were completely exhausted for the day, Horseshoe Bend. This is a crazy cool spot where the Colorado River forms a circle. My sweetie and I decided not to make the entire trip down because of the heat, but Sport took this amazing pic for us.
We got dinner at Denny's, which happened to be right next to our hotel as did the Glen Canyon Dam. 

The picture from our balcony was amazing, but the Dam will have to wait until tomorrow. 
Even the pool was tired. We swam in the dark because the lights didn't work. We were exhausted and even at midnight it was 99 degrees. Arizona is just way too hot!

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