
Jul 12, 2021

Traveling Together: Williams, AZ

We left Scottsdale early and headed for Williams, Arizona. I told you before my sweetie wanted to hit as many national parks as possible, so we consulted the gps.
Our first stop was Montezuma's Castle. I am always amazed when I see ancient Native American ruins. They make me so much more grateful for what I have been given. Trying to raise 12 children in those tiny homes would have been a nightmare even for the most patient mom and that would not be me.
We have enough trouble just hanging out together in a van for a couple of weeks and that is not even half of my twelve.

But I digress...
After much driving, we made it to the East Entrance of the Grand Canyon. They still are not allowing people inside their visitor's centers, but they don't have a problem with people in their gift shops. This one is called the Watchtower and the inside has been converted into a large bookstore.
We had taken the kids to the Grand Canyon a decade ago, but Crafty was the only one who could really remember it.
We took lots of pictures... they wouldn't forget again. 
Then we drove to Williams. Everyone was hungry so we stopped at a little hole-in-the wall Mexican place. The food was good. My sweetie's chili verde had sweet cactus in it!
We checked into the hotel and I took Baby Doll and Curly to the pool, but the water was so cold!!
Thank goodness the hot tub was warm. 
Lot's more to see tomorrow.

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