
Jul 15, 2021

Traveling Together: Earning Patches All the Way Home

The crazy search for patches got much worse on the way home. We started with Kodachrome State Park, a place we visited on our very first real trip as a family. 

The kids loved the slickrock and we all had fun on the short hiking trail.

After that we stopped at Anasazi State Park. They had an amazing little visitor's center and real ruins.

Then we drove many miles through the Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monument. I never quite understood before how those areas work.

Thank goodness all of these beautiful landscapes are protected!

Capital Reef was our final stop and we got there only 8 minutes before they closed the gift shop (which meant we could buy our last patch for the trip). 

The kids were hungry, so we only drove part way into the park before we turned around.

My sweetie wanted to pick some apricots in Fruita and it is actually free if you only pick what you can eat. 

Then we drove to this kitschy little Mexican restaurant in Torrey. The food was tasty and the kids loved the fried ice cream the most.

We loaded up one last time and set our sites on home. 

1 comment:

  1. I have enjoyed reading about all the various parks you have been visiting. It is amazing all the places you have seen on this trip. You have taken some great photos. I do like to read about your adventures and feel you are very blessed to be able to take trips with your kids like these.
    Blessings and hugs!
