
Jul 16, 2021

Review: Space Jam - A New Legacy

We were so excited to be invited to a special sneak peak of Warner Brothers new movie, Space Jam - A New Legacy! We absolutely loved the original Space Jam movie; it was one of Dog Walker's favorites, so I think we all had it mostly memorized. I love almost any movie with basketball in it and I don't think I could ever get tired of Michael Jordan, but I wondered if LeBron James could handle the title role of this iconic film series.

He was fabulous!!

As the not-so-great dad, King James follows his son into the computer matrix where they are both stuck unless he can beat the bad guy at a game of basketball along with his friends, the Tune Squad. But that is where the similarity ends. 

There are plenty of adult references to the first movie as well as tons of other Warner Brothers movies, even Harry Potter. Kids will love the newness of this movie and the video games part while parents (especially older ones like me) will love the old movie clips.

(Selfies don't really work at the theater...)

I am so happy to recommend this movie to kids of all ages. We had my 85-year-old dad all the way down to my youngest grandson who is 5 months old. (He didn't cry once!) We all give it a thumbs up. I was surprised to see my Lil Bro (you know him, Utah's Adventure Family guy) at the same theater. He is a busy teacher, coach, dad, and bishop, so getting a few minutes with him is golden.

Go see Space Jam - A New Legacy. You will love it! Starting tonight in theaters everywhere.

**We received free tickets to the show for our honest review.


  1. Space Jam sure was a fun movie to watch when I was a kid. I'm still excited to see the New Legacy. If only I could get Puppy Lover to come.

  2. I love how you get these deals. It sounds like a great family fun moments. I haven't seen the first movie, but you make it sound interesting.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
