
Jul 16, 2021

Traveling as Two: But Not With My Sweetie

This week has been absolutely crazy!! 

So when we were sitting in our hotel room near Page last Sunday night, Crafty stopped by and reminded my sweetie that she really needed help with a plane ticket. Since she is leaving for the Kansas Wichita Mission on August 3rd, she wanted to take a trip to New Jersey to see Teach's family before she left. My sweetie pulled up flights and dates and then asked me if I would like to go with her. Typically my first answer would be "no," and it was. Then after I thought about it for a while, I sat down and booked a ticket on the same flight for me.

That was terrifying on so many levels. I have never flown without my sweetie except when I was in high school and that didn't count. Crafty had never flown alone either. I also had the craziness of coming home late on a Tuesday after a 12-day vacation with the family and then flying out early Thursday morning. All that laundry, all that putting away, ALL THAT MAIL!

Somehow we managed, and on Thursday morning with very little sleep, we both climbed onto the plane. The flight was pretty unremarkable other than some turbulence and we even got through the Philadelphia airport all right. Teach picked us up and we were on our way to New Jersey.

It was so fun to see the kids; Crafty played with Twizlet on the floor. How did she have so much energy?

Twizzler helped me unpack, but I was so tired that we turned in early. Teach has big plans for the weekend and I don't want to sleep through all of it.

1 comment:

  1. I think that is so awesome that you are able to go with your daughter to visit her sister before she leave on her mission. That is the best ever. I'm sure you will enjoy all the moments on this one, even if your sweetie isn't with you.
    Loved all the photos.
    Blessings and hugs!
