
Jul 17, 2021

Traveling as Two: The Campground

Even before we left Utah, Twiz's parents invited us to spend Friday night with them at The Campground for Twiz's dad's birthday. Campgrounds are interesting in New Jersey; not at all what we usually see in Utah's wilderness. Teach suggested we get there early and bring our swimming suits.

But first we had to stop and pick up a few things. 

The fruit stand was awesome, but nothing compared to the Amish market.

After greeting Teach's in-laws, we headed for the pool. The pool for little kids was all under 3 feet and we had fun playing with the kids until we all got kicked out because someone pooped in the pool.

We still had a little time, so we walked over to the lake to soak our feet. It wasn't long before we had to leave again, this time we hurried to the main pavilion. We were already a few minutes late for the frog race. 

All of the participants caught their frogs on the grounds somewhere and then they raced them. Teach and Twiz were both given frogs, but Twizlet would have nothing to do with it. 

Back at the trailers, we had a lovely dinner of bbq chicken and brisket. The corn on the cob was my favorite.

Then it was off to the pavilion again to play a little BINGO. Sadly, none of us won, so walked (or rode the golf cart) back to the trailer where we say Happy Birthday and shared an ice cream cake. 

It was a fun and unique way to start off our visit. Besides, they drove everyone around in a golf cart.
Now that's camping!!

Stay tuned, tomorrow we are planning to go to the beach. 

1 comment:

  1. It does looks like a fun day and then a birthday to celebrate too.
    Blessings and hugs!
