
Jul 19, 2021

Traveling as Two: Ocean City

Saturday morning dawned bright and early and we filled our beach bags with towels and sunscreen. After a couple of quick stops for breakfast and gas, we got on the road for Ocean City. It was a quick drive for a Saturday morning, but by the time we got to the beach, it was already crowded. 
The sand was hot on our toes and the water felt good on our feet and legs. We splashed in the surf and let the waves brush up against our legs. 
We built sand castles and gathered shells.
When we were tired and hungry, we cleaned up our blanket and towels, and we took a walk along the boardwalk. Twiz knew about this great pizza place that claimed to make the largest pizza in the world.
It was pretty big!! 

Twizlet ate a whole piece by herself.
We browsed a few more shops and we bought hoodies and a puzzle. When we got back to Teach's house, we had dinner and worked on the puzzle. 
Twiz blew bubbles and it was worth half an hour of giggles from the littles. Sometimes life is just so simple... I like it that way. 

1 comment:

  1. This looks like such a fun day with your daughter Teach and family. That Pizza was exceptionally big. All the photos were fun!
    Hugs for all!!
