
May 10, 2021

Mother's Day 2021

Things were much different this year from last Mother's Day. Teach and her family are back in New Jersey. We have two new grandbabies and Princess's family is with us.
We had a big family party on Sunday afternoon. Most of our adults are fully vaccinated now and we are all looking forward to the day that Covid-19 becomes a memory rather than a reality.
My sweetie smoked ribs and baked homemade bread. The kids all pitched in getting ready for the day. We picnicked on the floor just to be different. The kids thought it was a little crazy, but it was too cold to picnic outside.
Baby Doll even made me french toast for breakfast. When did she get to be so grown up?
Happy Mother's Day, everyone!! Say a quick prayer for your mom today. We all have one somewhere.💕 Mine is in Heaven, working hard to prepare the way for the rest of us. Where is your mom?

1 comment:

  1. My Mom is in Heaven too. I hope they celebrate there too. I loved reading about your celebration. Blessings and hugs for you!
