
May 11, 2021

Fulfilling His Responsibility

Curly has been assigned to run the flag up the flagpole at the church every Sunday morning at 8:45. On the days he has been out of town, he checks with a friend to make sure his duty is covered by someone else. He likes to be there 5 minutes early so the flag can wave for everyone as they pull into the parking lot. Freedom to worship is only one of the amazing things about living in the United States of America.

This past weekend, we had high winds on Saturday and when we arrived at church on Sunday morning, this is what he saw.

Most kids would have used it as an excuse, but not Curly. He immediately looked around for some way to get the pulley rope out of the tree.

A large cluster of branches had blown down from one of the huge trees in front of the church. He took off his jacket, handed it to me and started working one of the longer branches back and forth until he had detached it from the bunch. 

Minutes later, his branch did the trick and the rope was free. He clipped on the flag and had it flying by 8:47. I am so proud and glad that this all mattered so much to him. I would have taken a final pic, but I love placing my hand over my heart each week as I watch him pull the ropes. It is always the perfect reminder of how much I love my country... and my son.


  1. Great job Curly! I'm in charge of the flags at my church too. It's a great honor.

  2. Way to go Curly! I really loved what he did.
    Hugs for Curly!!
