
May 9, 2021

Baby Doll Kicks and Curly Hits

But not each other...

Baby Doll has never had a chance to play soccer before, and since she is 10 years old, we thought she better try it now or never. I signed her up for a league across town since none of the rec centers near us are doing anything. It's a bit of a pain on practice days, but it is definitely fun watching her play. 

She is still a little timid when it comes to kicking the ball, but she has made huge strides since the beginning of the season. It's too bad we only have a couple of weeks left. By far the tallest on her team, we can easily spot her on the field.

Last week, while we were out of town and Crafty and Grandpa took her to the game, she scored her very first goal! We were so sad to have missed it.

As for Curly, you already know that he loves baseball. On Thursday, the entire team wore pink socks and pink belts (paid for by his awesome coach) in honor of Mother's Day.

Curly hit a ball so hard at the King's Row field that it would have easily cleared the home run fence (if they had one) because it actually rolled its way at least a dozen feet up the hill.

I wish I could say that it was for me, but he hit that one to impress his dentist who just happened to have a son playing on the other team.

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