
May 8, 2021

Mother's Day Weekend

I know today is the official start of Mother's Day Weekend, but we started ours last Sunday when we made an afternoon visit to see Grandma. If you remember, she lives a couple of hours away, so after church and a quick lunch, we piled into the car.

We had offered to give Beauty and The Beast a little break by taking Little Warrior and Little Squire with us. It was the first time Little Squire was with us without his parents on a mini trip, but he handled it like a pro. 

My sweetie spent his time changing out Grandma's doorknobs for levers so that the doors would be easier for her to open.

Grandma enjoyed watching the little boys play on the floor with the trains and the blocks.

She was so impressed when they cleaned up after themselves. Little Warrior loved listening to her read a story!

It was a fun and fast trip. We were home before it even got dark, but I hope we were able to make Grandma's Mother's Day a little brighter even if it was a week early.


  1. That's an inspiring story about Grandma. I'm glad you had fun there.

  2. That sounds like such a lovely trip to visit a Grandma! I love how you take care of her. I think it is awesome she could have some moments with her great-grandchildren.

    Happy Mother's Day to you and yours!
    I'm a bit snowed right now, so I haven't been doing much blog reading. I'll be back.
    Blessings and hugs!
