
Mar 3, 2021

Traveling by Two - Sturgeon Bay

My sweetie rolled out of bed early and I rolled out of  bed groggy. I had a rough night. The bed here is not really to my liking, but I was not about to let that mess up our outing. We put together a quick breakfast and headed out the door. We had lots of plans for the day.

My sweetie had seen a Maritime Museum in the guidebooks and we were excited to visit. It was only about a 20-minute drive into Sturgeon Bay.

We arrived at the museum just in time to be the only ones in the whole place. We were able to take a couple of hours browsing the exhibits. 

Our favorite was the periscope that showed things outside the building just like a periscope on a sub. 

We were a little disappointed that we couldn't tour the tugboat, but we eased that a bit by spending a little too much in the gift shop.

After a quick trip through their little downtown shops, we drove across the bridge. My sweetie knows that I love big ships, so we headed for the shipyard. 

They had several that were being repaired, but I was actually more excited to see this...

Do you know what it is? What if I show it to you from a distance?

It is a gantry crane, and according to the museum, the largest one in the world. They are used to lift containers on and off of these big ships. A couple of decades ago, I was hired to write an Operator's Manual for a Gantry Crane Simulator. The simulator was much smaller, of course, and I had never seen an actual crane.

But I digress...

After we left the shipyard, my sweetie started driving. I was working on a little blanket I have been crocheting, so I wasn't paying that much attention and before I knew it, he was pulling through a little neighborhood. I caught glimpses of the lake here and there, but it wasn't until we pulled down a little public lane toward a tiny parking lot that I realized the water was moving.

So far, all we had seen were the frozen waters of the Green Bay. My sweetie had driven us to see the unfrozen side of Lake Michigan.

It was so beautiful and amazing. 

Every time I see the magnificence of God's hand, I simply have no words to adequately describe it. I could watch the water for hours, but the cold finally drove us back to the warmth of the car.

I can't wait for more adventures tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. I love that you like to see unique things. I haven't been to a shipyard, but I have toured some ships a couple of times; which was fun.
    I have never seen the rig that loads up the crates. For you to write a manual for this is impressive.
    Have a great time; hugs!
