
Mar 5, 2021

Traveling as Two - Green Bay & Lambeau Field

One of the few things we had planned before we left Utah was a trip to Green Bay to see Lambeau Field. I love football, but I have to confess that I typically prefer watching the little kids play. When I was one of those little kids, my dad's team (and mine) was the Green Bay Packers.

As we drove up to the stadium, I was surprised at the hometown feel of the place. To be fair, when the Packers play, sometimes we cheer for the other team just to tease Gamer. He loves everything about them.

Tours are limited at Lambeau because of COVID-19, but we scheduled one anyway just so we could see the field. Did you know that their field is mostly grass? They weave 5% synthetic material into it for strength and durability. They also have nearly all bleacher seating with the front row right behind the team. Our guide told us that this kind of field would never have been approved under today's building guidelines.

After we left our guide, we began a self-guided tour of the Hall of Fame. The Green Bay Packers have been around for a very long time. They are one of the first football franchises in the country and their fans are fiercely loyal. 

Did you know that they are publicly owned? In fact, our tour guide was an owner of 1000 shares passed down from her grandfather.

I didn't remember many specifics from watching the Packers as a child, but I do remember that my dad loved Bart Starr.

Gamer was a huge fan of Brett Favre and Aaron Rodgers.

Even the biggest trophy in football is named after Vince Lombardi, a Packers coach who was arguably the best coach on the planet.

Honestly, don't tell Gamer, but after learning more about the Packers in their hometown, other than the drinking and the huge "cheesehead" foam hats, I could revert to my childhood and become a huge fan. 

After a visit to their massive gift shop, we left Lambeau and headed to City Park. My sweetie wants to make sure I see every part of this beautiful place. It was definitely worth the drive.

1 comment:

  1. The city park photos are lovely. I did love your tour of this stadium and all the information on the Packers. We don't follow a lot of professional football, but we do high school, grandkids that play, and College football, especially BYU. I did enjoy reading about it all.
    Blessings and hugs!
