
Mar 2, 2021

Traveling as Two - Egg Harbor

It seems a little unfair to call this post Egg Harbor. Honestly, we spent most of our day in the car.
It was a 6-hour drive from Minneapolis to our little condo on Egg Harbor (have I mentioned lately that I love our travel plan?) The peninsula ⁰is mostly flat with lots of trees and red barns.
There is not nearly as much snow as we expected given the recent cold spell.
We stopped at a little grocery store and picked up some food for the week. We were excited to find the last Kringle in the store! Beauty and The Beast had ordered some in from Racine for us to try at Christmas, and we were hoping to buy one locally.
The sun was setting as we unloaded our stuff and settled into our room. We have a beautiful view of the frozen Green Bay out of our back window.
We can't wait to see more of this amazing country.

1 comment:

  1. It looks like a fun start to your adventure.
    Blessings and hugs!
