
Dec 10, 2020

Guest Blog: Family Update by Princess

My mom asked me to give y’all an update on our family. I decided I could kill two birds with one stone and just share our family Christmas letter with you! 

 Wow, what a year it’s been! Things started off great! We took a trip to Disneyland! Came back and found out we were pregnant! A couple weeks later, the pandemic closed everything down. The Frog started working exclusively from home and we all stayed put as much as possible. And that went on… and on… and on… So, what did we do with all of that home time?

The Frog worked a lot. He is leading a team on a special project and helping with his old duties as well. Thankfully, he is able to do everything remotely. A common phrase in our house is, “Shh, daddy’s on a call.” The Frog also did some schooling online. He probably should have done that from the beginning because he did fabulously! He has one class left at BYU to finish his degree and will be taking it online next semester. We have been doing at-home church since things started shutting down, but The Frog does an amazing job as our family pianist and priesthood holder.

Princess did the pregnant thing again this year. Third baby in a row! When she wasn’t resting her back pain away, Princess was crafting. She continues to post on her blog and Instagram and has even started making a couple YouTube videos. While she loves crafting, her favorite use of her time is with her children. When she’s not reading books, singing primary songs, or cleaning up toys, she sits on the couch snuggling one (or two… or three) of her little ones. Her ‘church assignment’ is to say the closing prayer. (Tadpole refuses to mix it up.)

Tadpole turned two at the beginning of the year. His hobbies have changed some during the year but a few things have stayed the same. 1. He loves anything that spins in circles and that includes himself. He probably spins for 5-10 minutes each day. 2. He loves helping. Tadpole is the sweetest big brother. He loves to help both of his siblings! He absolutely loves doing chores (as long as they are on his terms). Seriously, taking away chores is a punishment at our house. Tadpole has grown a lot this year, especially when it comes to talking. Though his vocabulary is seriously incredible, his favorite thing to say is, “Why?” Tadpole’s ‘church assignment’ is to give the opening prayer. 

Polliwog turned one in March. He is kind of an adrenaline junkie. He loves to climb things, ride his bike, flip off the side of the couch, etc. Thankfully, we have yet to see him do anything too dangerous but he has definitely had his fair share of scrapes and bruises. Polliwog isn’t much of a talker, but he knows more words than he will let on. He still speaks a lot of nonsense but on occasion he will just throw a random word out that we’ve never heard him say before. Lately, his favorites are: Santa (accompanied by Ho, Ho, Ho!), dump (truck), and apple. Polliwog absolutely loves his siblings. He thinks Duchess is the coolest thing ever. He will randomly run to her and point with a giant grin on his face. His ‘church assignment’ is to stand next to the person saying the prayer with his arms folded. Of course, no one has ever told him to do this, but he does it everytime.

Duchess was born mid-October and is growing so fast! She has measured in the 90th+ percentiles for every category at each doctor’s appointment. She sleeps really well at night which makes having so many young kids a lot easier. She loves her brothers just as much as they love her, but her favorite person is mom. She loves back pats and listening to music. She absolutely hates the car seat and anything other than being 
held, so she gets held for 90% of the day. Mom is building some serious arm muscles. 

While 2020 didn’t go exactly as we planned, it was still an amazing year! We are loving watching our little family grow! 


Merry Christmas!

Princess & The Frog Family


  1. That's a very sweet story, Princess.😊 We miss you.πŸ˜”

  2. I loved your Christmas letter. You have an adorable family. I really loved all the cute photos of the kids and you all. It looks like you are all doing well during this challenging 2020 year. Each of your children sound like they are progressing along and I love that you baby sleeps well. I remember when we had 4 in a row; having them sleep through the night was such a blessing. Wishing for your sweet family a very Merry Christmas. Sending hugs your way!
