
Dec 9, 2020

Review: Kiddy Crawlers' Crawligator

 I was surprised when the box arrived; I was expecting it to be much bigger. Although why, I don't know; most babies aren't that big. You know I have lots of children, but Baby Doll is 10 years old now and way too big for something like this, so it's a good thing I have so many grandkids!

I didn't have the perfect size baby to put on the Crawligator on exactly the day I needed to write this post, but I did have Little Warrior and Little Squire. They have been hanging out with us during the day while their parents are working. It seems that someone related to their daycare got COVID and they shut everything down for a couple of weeks.

But I digress...

Right out of the box, I could see that the Crawligator was quality and well-made. We read through all the instructions just to make sure we knew what we were doing, and then we convinced Little Squire to give the Crawligator a try. 

As you can see, size-wise he is pretty close to being perfect for the Crawligator except for his long legs. He is small for 20 months, but he can walk just fine. Before I turned the camera on him, he was able to pull himself forward with his hands just like a smaller child would do.

In fact, he was having so much fun that Little Warrior just had to come over and see what all the fuss was about. You guessed it! It wasn't long before he had to have his turn...

Oh well, now you can see how durable it really is, because this 3 1/2 year old didn't do it any damage at all. I can't wait until we have a little one that truly needs this because I am excited to see it work. Princess's baby is two months old now and according to her mama, "She is huge!" This sweet gal weighs a whopping 17 pounds! She just might need a little help learning to crawl. 

And Bossy is having a baby boy in February and rumor has it this summer we might be having another little one. Who do you think the parents might be?

Anyway, if you know someone who would love to have one of these fun developmental toys, check out this link from our friends at Kiddy Crawlers. They are offering free shipping and as long as you get your order in by Dec 18, they can get it there in time for Christmas.

***We received our own Crawligator for our honest review.***

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