
Dec 11, 2020

We Love Challenger Summer Camps

Several years ago, Curly had the opportunity to try one of the week-long Challenger soccer camps. He loved it so much that the next summer we enrolled him again and we also let Scout play. Challenger does such a great job and I think that is mostly because of their amazing coaches. These people honestly care about teaching the game of soccer and it is clear that they love the game and they are good at it.

Curly and Scout hadn't played soccer since they were little, but during that week, they both remembered how fun it was and Curly became quite an accomplished goalie. That is why I was so excited when US Family Guide wrote that we were partnering with them again. It's Baby Doll's turn!!

What could be better than giving your child the gift of soccer this Christmas? We are all so tired of COVID-19 restrictions, and the summer sun and fresh air would be amazing about now. (Instead, we have snow flurries today.) And if you sign up in December, you get a custom player poster, a jersey, a t-shirt, and a soccer ball!! 

If your kids are anything like mine, they will love it! Just go to their website at Challenger Sports and sign up. This is what mine looked like when they were playing the game. So much fun and such great exercise.

1 comment:

  1. It does look like an awesome Soccer Camp. By summer, it will be perfect.
    Blessings and hugs!
