
Sep 2, 2020

Making Baked Beans

You know my sweetie's dad was a child of the Depression (will they one day say the "child of COVID?"), and he was raised to be careful with his resources, so when we didn't finish off all of the smoked brisket at a family dinner, my sweetie decided to teach himself how to make baked beans.

You know I don't love cooking.

The last thing on the planet I would want to do is teach myself how to make baked beans, so I spent my time picking, cleaning, cooking, and canning 7 pints of beets and one jar of beans. Our beans are just not coming back from the heat.

But I digress...

My sweetie spent all day nursing his beans, starting by chopping up the smoked brisket, soaking three different kinds of beans, and reading numerous recipes about how to make the saucy stuff.

They turned out amazing!! I wish I could give you a real recipe, but I know he couldn't even give you one since he cooks by instinct. He put in salsa, molasses, ketchup, brown sugar, vinegar, barbecue sauce, gourmet mustard, and probably half a dozen other things.

Then he let it simmer for most of the day before putting it in this foil pan to bake for a couple for hours in the oven.

Yum! We put a couple of gallons in big bags for family parties and 4 quarts for our little family, then we tossed them all into the freezer. That left just enough to go with our hamburgers tonight for dinner. I sometimes wish I had more of his talents.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading about your husband's cooking because my hubby is doing a lot of cooking these days and he loves to come up with different recipes. He flavors things better than I do. It does look like you had a busy day yourself. I have been trying to get some Zucchini frozen and some other garden stuff. It is a busy season for that.
    Blessings and hugs!
