
Sep 5, 2020

Graduation Party 2020

I was just scrolling through and I realized that I never told you about the Dog Walker's graduation party. We planned it for the day following his graduation from UVU since he had already requested that day off when they first told us that the convocation might be held on that day.

Having a party is pretty tricky right now, but we did our best to make sure we were careful and here we are now two weeks later and it appears that our plans to keep everyone safe worked. I'm glad we decided that an open house format would be the best. Then people were able to come and go as they pleased without feeling like they had to stay the entire time.

We also thought that having everything outside would help as well. The kids and my sweetie spent hours prepping the yard and setting up our canopies to keep the tables shady. We also set up tables so that people could keep their distance from other parties. It was not what the Dog Walker would have ever wanted in a normal world, but we felt like safety had to be a top priority when we were inviting our family and friends to come together.

We served pulled pork, salads, and cake. Considering it was COVID days, I think we had a great turnout although it was only about half what we would have expected normally.

The very first guest to show up was the Dog Walker's cluster teacher from 4th, 5th, and 6th grades. She didn't stay for very long, but it was so nice to see her and know that the Dog Walker's success story is also her success story. Very few of her special needs kids reach this level of education. I sure wish I would have thought to take a picture (as you can see, I have gotten out of the habit of constantly having the camera in my hand).

All in all, it was a good day.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to Dog Walker on his graduation. I think you should be very proud of him, and this looked like a grand celebration. It looked safe, fun, and the menu; yummy. Dog Walker is a beautiful success story.
    Blessings and hugs for Dog Walker and all of you!
