
Sep 1, 2020

Can I Be Completely Honest?

Do you know that in about a month, my Baby Doll will be turning 10 years old? I started this blog when she was only 4 months old which means you and I have been talking for nearly a decade. I have always felt like I could be honest with you and share my feelings although I haven't always told you everything because sometimes it's nice to believe that mostly good things happen in this world.

One of the very first pics of Baby Doll on the blog - May 2011.
Over the decade since we have been friends, I have written to you nearly every day, every other day at the least... until last March. That's when COVID became our nightmare, our new normal, our every waking moment.

Family Christmas Pic 2011
I have to admit that it turned my life upside down like I'm sure it did yours too. The closures, the masks, the isolation, the fear... it became my life. I wanted to share it with you, really I did, but most days I just felt like I was going through the motions, doing everything I could possibly do to keep my family safe.

Dog Walker and my sweetie bought groceries while I was kept at home because of my stupid weak lungs.
My "big happy family" moments didn't seem to be as important to anyone and when we did do something out of the ordinary, I was afraid to tell you because I didn't want angry hate comments (and I did get some, but I always deleted them quickly so you wouldn't see).

Stacking hats for a contest - it's no wonder Curly has straight hair! That's 44 if you were counting.
I wanted to protect you, my sweet friend.

Curly and Burrito at the Story Walk, Dog Walker and Skittles in front
But mostly I wanted to protect my family. I didn't want people judging us or feeling like we weren't trying our very hardest to get through these dark days. But I was wrong. I should have trusted you more. We have been friends for a very long time.

Look how much Baby Doll has grown! Who knew she could play the air guitar so well??

But even if this does happen to be the "Final Countdown" for either one of us, I promise that from here on out, I will try to keep you in my life because you are very important to me.

After all, it's been nearly a decade.


  1. Well, I have enjoyed following your posts for a very long time. I have enjoyed all your adventures and the good and bad moments. I continue to be amazed at all you do as a family and you as a mother.
    Thanks for sharing your life moments. It is hard today to choose things to share. I know on my blog I try to keep it with my faith and family and seldom anything political. I do know how you feel in all of those areas.
    Loved your photos and video today. I can hardly believe that Baby Doll will be 10 years old; wow!
    Sending loving thoughts and hugs!

  2. Oh my goodness, she’s not a baby anymore! It was so weird hearing her real name in the video—she’s always been Baby Doll in my mind! Happy birthday next month, Baby Doll!
