
Aug 28, 2020

Guest Blog - Diamond Painting 101 by Princess

I cheated a little in getting Princess to write a blog post for me. As you know, she has turned into an amazing Instagram Crafting queen. She also has her own blog that has changed if you notice the link on my sidebar. If you haven't been there in a while, you should check it out so you can see how big my little grandsons are getting! Princess has them in their Halloween costumes (with one already made for her baby girl who may or may not be blog-named Dutchess...)

She took the time to teach my younger kids how to do these diamond paintings and they have turned out to be quite amazing! Scout actually finished hers recently.

Anyone surprised that it is a volleyball?
These are an inexpensive and fun craft that pretty much anyone can do. You just have to have lots of time and most importantly, tons of patience!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Princess, for sharing these Diamond Painting, I loved them. I will revisit your blog. It looks fun!
    Blessings and hugs!
