
Aug 26, 2020

Guest Blog - There is Peace by Teach

I didn't want to move far away. When the idea was brought forth back in September, I cried for hours, days, even weeks. I didn't want to move, but then Andrew and I came to New Jersey for Christmas and saw the potential house we could live in. We struggled back and forth with the decision, but I am a firm believer in the power of God and His ability to direct us through His Spirit. When we received confirmation that we needed to move to New Jersey, it didn't matter what I wanted any longer, because I follow the Lord. 

The weeks and months of packing and moving were exhausting. The day of the move was ridiculous to say the least. The drive was long. The kids were sick. The dog. The cat. Felicity went to the bathroom in the middle of nowhere so we could push for just a few more hours. We missed the 4th of July because we just drove through it. However, there was an overarching feeling of peace. 

We made it to the house. It is the house Andrew grew up in and it is beautiful. My in-laws have worked hard to update and beautify our home. I am very grateful for all the hard work they have put in. We have worked our way into a routine, with Andrew working in Pennsylvania (1 hour commute each way). He leaves early in the morning and makes it back for dinner time. 

I spend my days with the kids and the animals. We create, we dance, we sing, we get lost around town, and we celebrate when Mama finds her way home without the GPS. Every night we have had scripture study as a family (something we NEVER were good at before). My kids are happy and I feel peace. 

There is an ache in my heart for the life and family that are in Utah. That is my hometown. Those are my "stompin' grounds" and I pray for my people everyday. There is a reason we are here and with all the changes I know that I am where I'm supposed to be. There is nothing that can replace that peaceful feeling. 

Yet there are some weird things that exist here They call Otter Pops, Ice pops. The beach is called the shore. The roads are filled with potholes and I hit a dip so bad I thought I broke my van! Don't even get me started on the ridiculousness of the carwash I went through. If you want more on the weirdness.... that's another post! 

I gotta say prayers and help Felicity get snuggly. 

That's what we do here.

 We're doing it. 


  1. We moved from Utah to New Jersey when our oldest was just a month old and stayed for ten years and four more kids. Our 2nd son moved back with his wife and family about four years ago, so we still have ties, lots of friends and good memories of our years there.

  2. I loved your post, Teach. I am happy you are at peace with your move. When I was around your age with two children, we moved from Salt Lake City to San Jose, Calif. It was so hard to leave my parents and others. However, I like you, felt peace, and it soon became one of my favorite experiences and place to live.
    I enjoyed all the cute photos of the children.
    Hugs for you all!

  3. YOUR POST IS A POSITIVE FOR OTHERS WHO ARE RE-LOCATING DUE TO EMPLOYMENT...Just to be employed today is a really big thing, many are homeless and hopeless and their families are barely surviving and cannot help them..You know where you are from and are a faithful servant of your faith, your husband and children look and sound lovely..You will grow to love the new place you are in and can someday move back to Utah, in the meantime keep those peaceful thoughts up and God will get you home someday..god's blessings, adios!!!!!!!!!!
