
Sep 27, 2020

Fall Volleyball at Sports City

Scout has been busy working out with Sport and The Beast, getting ready to play volleyball again. She was so focused, that we actually missed the tryouts for Fall Ball at Sports City. Fortunately, when I reached out to them, they found a spot for her as #1 on the Gold Team even though she had already missed two weeks of practice time.

So this week she made it to her first practice on the day before her first matches. 

Sports City has been really good about keeping guests in their facilty safe. I saw the lady at the front desk send half a dozen people back for masks before she would let them into the facility. She even sent out players!!

The kids can take off their masks only on the court during practices and games. Visitors can't take them off at all. Players are also only allowed one guests each, limiting the parents and allowing for social distancing. 

I worry so much about letting my kids back into the world. COVID-19 rages on, particularly in Utah right now. Some people laugh at the precautions and restrictions, but I welcome them. Grandpa is 85 years old now and probably in better health than I am. I want to keep him safe. 

I want to keep all of us safe. 

But I want my kids to do the things they love too. So we push forward and welcome others like Sports City and Club GSL who are looking out for us. 

Thanks for wearing your mask!

1 comment:

  1. Yes, thanks for wearing your masks. I do believe if everyone did this, we wouldn't have had to shut down very much. I'm happy places are trying to do it safely and that your kids can have some time doing favorite sports and things.
    Blessings and hugs!
