
Sep 29, 2020

So Many Dancers

Crafty made this really cool slide presentation for her Dance Class at BYU. I wanted to share it with you because it has some amazing pics of her and of her siblings during their dance performances. See you if you pick them out by clicking here.

I'm sure you found Crafty, but did you see Princess? Prima Donna? Scout? Sport? Baby Doll? Curly?

So many dancers...

That isn't everyone though. All of my kids danced at one time or another. Some day I will dig through all my old pics and find them for you.

But not today, I have to take Baby Doll to dance.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Crafty those Dance photos and layout are fantastic. You are very talented. I love how you have all your children have an opportunity to have dance lessons and I think that is awesome. I think learning to dance has value in many areas of life.
    Blessing and hugs for you all!
