
Sep 24, 2020

Sure Has Been a Long Day...

Actually it has been a couple of long days. Yesterday morning my sweetie and I climbed into my car for a quick trip to drop birthday gifts on Princess's doorstep and then swing by the fruitstand for some peaches. We were about 30 miles down the freeway when my car suddenly decided it didn't want to run anymore. 

After a few furtive attempts at restarting and some great coasting, we made it safely to an exit and a quiet side street. First we called our mechanic, then a tow truck, and finally Bossy. Thankfully, she was able to quickly arrange a long lunch so she could come and pick us up.

Not wanting our trip to be completely wasted, she ran us over to our favorite fuitstand. My sweetie bought a box of peaches and then Bossy negotiated 5 boxes of pears at $15 each. The price was fantastic, and we should have run straight home and put them in jars.

But we didn't. 

We got started around 10:00 this morning, first with the two boxes from Drama Queen's tree and then we continued working through these others. Sadly, we had to discard quite a few, but look what we did!

With cleanup? I put the last dirty towels and dishrags in the washer just after 10:00 pm. Like I said, a very long day... but a good one.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about your car. We have had that happen a couple of times. It's good you have a child to call and help out.
    It is so fun to see all those bottles of fruit nicely done. It's been a few years since I have done any of this, and I remember how good it felt when we were finished, and all cleaned up.
    It does sound like you got a good deal on the pears.
    Blessings and hugs!
