
Apr 3, 2020

Winner, Winner!!

How long have you known me? If you have been around during Reflections time, you know that I am not a photographer! The kids make fun of me because I just don't get it. I want pictures with my family and friends in them. I don't care if they are following the Rule of Thirds or if the colors need to be manipulated to look more natural. Some of my early pictures even show demon children because I didn't know how to get rid of the Red Eye.

That said, when South Jordan City announced that it was having a photography contest to take our minds off the virus, I considered giving it a try. Then Crafty came home and everything was in upheaval. When we got home from the airport, things were strange and the kids didn't know if they should hug her or stay away from her. It was a happy moment for them, but so awkward.

And I took pictures, but only a few and my very first one as she was greeting her siblings was through my car window. I had no idea that it would turn out to be one of the most amazing pictures I have ever taken. 

And I won first place in the Family Category! It was a fun and happy moment in a world of unnatural chaos. Thank you, South Jordan City, for the distraction.

This pic is completely natural (and accidental!), but I love it.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is a fantastic photo. Congratulations on this one! Our granddaughter just came home from Wellington, New Zealand. She had only been out a month. I'm sad she had to go back. Anyway, happy that your missionary is home safe.
    Blessings and hugs for all!
