
Apr 6, 2020

Guest Blog - A Crazy Quilting Day by Curly

It started when Twizlet had a sleepover. We were watching her and we were having a great time. We set up the quilt frames and quilted for about 3 hours.

We were having dinner even though everyone ate at different times when Sport called me and asked for help.

I rushed out there where he was working on the Suzuki. When I got there he was sitting on the ground putting all his wrenches and sockets back. He told me his tool kit had broken open while he was taking it to the garage.

After about a half an hour of helping him we went back inside. When I walked in, I found out that Baby Doll and Dog Walker had started reading Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secerts without me.

They caught me up and we countinued. After Dog Walker went back to work, Baby Doll and I ran upstairs to tell our dad it was time for scriptures. He said ten more minutes so I taught Baby Doll how to use the treadmill.

We finally went back downstairs and had scriptures. This is how our crazy quilting day went and we finished two baby quilts for Scout's Silver Award project.


  1. The quilts are fantastic, and it is such a good project. I see that you are keeping the kids busy. I love how Dog Walker reads to them. I guess he still works at Walmart. I did see him not long ago.
    Blessings and hugs for all!

  2. I loved your thoughts, Curly on this one. It looks like you had a great day quilting and enjoying other moments. Sending hugs your way!
