
Apr 11, 2020

Definitely a Good Friday

My week has been consumed with the quilting project. I can't say I was sad when Curly put the frames away about 10:30 this evening. We tied 6 baby quilts and one queen-sized one for Curly. He has been so excited! His was the last one on, but he has happily helped all week with the idea that his own quilt would be completed.

My hands and shoulders ache from crouching over the serger, trying to stay one step ahead of those working around the quilt so the next top would be ready when they were. Sorry I have been neglecting you all.

Curly's fun baseball quilt!
Last night we joined with many faiths around the world in a 24-hour fast with a healthy dose of prayer and supplication to our God for relief from this terrible virus. No one I personally know has gotten sick although we did have a scare with Beauty, but it turned out to be a sinus infection and nothing more.

It's spring here! Most of my flowers are up.
My sweetie made an amazing dutch oven dinner to celebrate the conclusion of our fast and the kids played spikeball while it was cooking. I stayed inside and rapidly tied knots as quickly as I could. I didn't want to go to bed without taking Curly's quilt off first.

Tomorrow we are going to color eggs and spend some time together as a family. (Maybe I will get my turn at spikeball.) I still have to get the bindings on, but I'm so glad to have the quilts finished. This Easter will definitely be completely different for all of us. We will celebrate the secular part with the eggs and the bunny fun in small groups, but more importantly, we will remember the resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is doing an amazing job helping us remember with their #hearhim videos at

Happy Easter Weekend, Everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. What a great project to do. I loved that you did quilts and one for Curly. I found that the fasting and prayer was a sweet day and I felt peace that our prayers will be answered and that we will begin to see some miracles.
    Have a sweet Easter celebration with your family at home.
    Sending blessings, prayers and hugs your way!
